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Insights - 23.09.24

Creating magnetic employer brands

Good people are the lifeblood of thriving businesses. And so having an employer brand that reflects the value your business offers is vital as the fight for talent gets tougher.

The evolution of the labour market presents a continuous challenge for high-growth businesses. With costs rising, and the power dynamic changing between employer and employee, gone are the days when businesses can rely on wages alone, or being a well-known brand, to attract and retain talent.

Some choose to galvanise their people around a shared purpose and ambition. Others balance the needs of the business with demands for flexibility, inclusivity or sustainability to attract the right team members.

The key is understanding what type of people will drive your business forward, defining what really makes you an attractive place to work and instilling a strong set of corporate values. However they’re choosing to do it, we’ve seen clear evidence that the most ambitious businesses in the North are getting this right – creating a talent pool that’s contributing towards significant growth.

With Gartner predicting that AI will result in half a billion net new human jobs by 2033, AI will be the next disruptive talent shockwave that businesses have to contend with. And whilst this is sure to impact skills requirements and hiring strategies, the need for an engaging, unique and authentic employer brand will remain the same.

Lucy Giles
Director, MC2